SATOZ is up 119% today, learn how to buy Satozhi #Satozhi $Satozhi #SATOZ $SATOZ #btc #crypto #cryptocurrencies #cryptobuyingtips #blockchain #binance #cryptotrading

Buy SATOZ today on BITMART( Information of Token Satozhi. SATOZHI (SATOZ) Was formed using a technical protocol similar to Bitcoin (BTC) which was created according to Satoshi Nakamoto's proposal. If in Bitcoin (BTC) we are familiar with the Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocol then at Satozhi (SATOZ) a better protocol is made, known as Proof-of-Burn (PoB). What is Satozhi (SATOZ)? Satozhi (SATOZ) is a crypto token that runs fully on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network according to the standards of the most advanced smart contract protocols. Why name it Satozhi (SATOZ)? Satozhi (SATOZ) was formed using a technical protocol similar to Bitcoin (BTC) which was created according to Satoshi Nakamoto's proposal. If in Bitcoin (BTC) we are familiar with the Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocol then at Satozhi (SATOZ) a better protocol is made, known as Proof-of-Burn (PoB). How does the Proof-of-Burn (PoB) protocol work? Satozhi (SATOZ) is the first token in the world to use this new protocol. This protocol uses the logic of burning the token supply in the block chain, and then creating a new token in the pool every 10 minutes. What are the advantages of Satozhi's Proof-of-Burn (PoB)? The Proof-of-Burn (PoB) protocol is an improvement over the 12-year-old Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocol. Unlike the Bitcoin (BTC) protocol where you must have mining equipment in the form of a GPU, CPU, or ASIC. Proof-of-Burn (PoW) allows you to earn block rewards directly on your blockchain wallet. What is the difference between Satozhi (SATOZ) and other tokens? Satozhi (SATOZ) allows you to save, trade, multiply, give a gift, and get block prizes without having to spend money, effort, and time to stay on the decentralized application (DAPP) all the time. Satozhi (SATOZ) can be stored anywhere, and will continue to work according to the Proof-of-Burn (PoB) protocol. What if the SATOZ supply is too much? The goal of Satozhi (SATOZ) was created with the Proof-of-Burn (PoB) protocol is that tokens must be burned first to get block rewards and increase the circulation supply. The supply of Satozhi tokens (SATOZ) will not be able to increase if there is no burning, the more amount you burn, the less the remaining supply is circulating. When should I start Satozhi (SATOZ)? If you are an investor or market trader, today's token supply remains half of the initial total Satozhi (SATOZ) supply of 21 million tokens, and prices will soar when the token supply is low after being burned. If you are a minter, now is the perfect time because your percentage of your Proof-of-Burn (PoB) pool is still very profitable. How to Rewards on SATOZ? To get a Rewards, you must burn your token on Satoz Platform. after doing this, the reward will be distributed 50 Satoz every 10 minutes with an even distribution of the total tokens burned. Rewards will be obtained forever until the total tokens back to 21 millions. How does the Proof-of-Burn (PoB) protocol work? Satozhi (SATOZ) is the first token in the world to use this new protocol. This protocol uses the logic of burning the token supply in the block chain, and then creating a new token in the pool every 10 minutes.


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